Wilton (Wil) Agatstein

Stabilizing Agriculture in Afghanistan

L. Wilton Agatstein is a Lecturer at the Graduate School of Management, a member of the Faculty of the International Agricultural Development Graduate group and Executive Director for the Child Family Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of California, Davis. Prior to joining UC Davis in 2008, Agatstein was Vice President at Intel and the head of Intel's Emerging Markets Group. He has nearly three decades of global experience in the competitive high-tech arena. 

During his tenure at Intel, Agatstein established a proven track record of innovation of production products, including the start-up of Intel's chip design center in Malaysia and the creation of Product Definition Centers in Cairo, Sao Paulo, Shanghai and Bangalore. He is the creator and father of the Intel Powered ClassMate PC.

In the classroom, Agatstein catalyzes successful commercialization of ideas of scientists, engineers, policy makers and professionals from around the world though business development clinics, innovation seminars and entrepreneurship academies.   In the field, Agatstein focuses on helping to create responsible international business leadership through International Study Trips to both mature and developing economies.

Agatstein is co-leader of the USDA funded e-AfghanAg project.  E-AfghanAg is an on-line and off-line tool that provides credible, relevant information for those helping farmers in Afghanistan.

From his many journeys, Agatstein believes in the power of information access to make the world a better place through economic development, education and helping people understand their culture in the context of the world.

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