Embrace the CITY
OCT 12&13
Join TEDxSacramento at the Crocker Art Museum as it joins TED and the TEDx community for this global event focused on the future of the city. For the first time ever, this year’s TED Prize went not to an individual, but to an idea on which our planet's future depends: the City 2.0. As part of this initiative, we have been chosen to be a part of this event happening simultaneously in hundreds of cities throughout the world, with the goal is sharing the powerful narratives of urban innovators and organizers, stewards, artists, and builders.
From the TED website:
The City 2.0 is the city of the future… a future in which more than ten billion people on planet Earth must somehow live sustainably. The City 2.0 is not a sterile utopian dream, but a real-world upgrade tapping into humanity’s collective wisdom. The City 2.0 promotes innovation, education, culture, and economic opportunity. The City 2.0 reduces the carbon footprint of its occupants, facilitates smaller families, and eases the environmental pressure on the world’s rural areas. The City 2.0 is a place of beauty, wonder, excitement, inclusion, diversity, life. The City 2.0 is the city that works.
All ticket sales are final.
This event is sponsored by TEDxSacramento and is not a Crocker Art Museum event. (The Crocker Art Museum will not be selling tickets to this program.) For more information, please contact brandon@tedxsacramento.com.
"our City: An Evening of Urban Celebration"
(A TEDxSacramentoSalon Event)
On Friday, October 12, we will have "An Evening of Urban Celebration" (a TEDxSacramento Salon Event) during which we will celebrate ideas that are eminating from and having an impact on our very own city. The evening will include musical performances, a live speaker session, and a selection of TEDTalks.
“the City: A Morning of Urban Inspiration”
(A TEDxSacramento City 2.0 Event)
On Saturday, October 13, we will have "A Morning of Urban Inspiration" (A TEDxSacramento Event), during which we will take part in a global dialogue about the future of our cities and the ideas that can make our city--or any city--a city of the future. We intend to distill global and local ideas and explore practical and sustainable solutions through the use of technology, development, design, education, and the arts. The morning will include live speakers, recorded TEDTalks, and an “Action Pitch."