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volunteer fun


TEDxLive: Livestreaming Day 1 of TED2014

Watching TEDWomen in 2013 at The Urban Hive.

Watching TEDWomen in 2013 at The Urban Hive.

TED is celebrating its 30th anniversary and TEDxSacramento is celebrating too --  with a TEDxLive event on March 18 at the TEDxSacramento headquarters, The Urban Hive.

Together we’ll embark on a journey, described this way by

“2014 marks TED’s 30th anniversary, and the theme for TED2014 is simply this: 'The Next Chapter.' We’ll be seeking to understand what are truly the most significant developments of the last 30 years ... and applying that knowledge to understand what’s ahead. The theme makes it easy for us to reach out to the world’s greatest minds and challenge them to help shape a program better than any in our history…”

This event kicks off the 2014 TEDxSacramento schedule and will be exclusively attended and celebrated by TEDxSacramento leadership, past speakers, past attendees, and core volunteers.

The next live TEDxSacramento event will happen in the Fall of this year. [To stay up-to-date on upcoming events, please join our mailing list.]

Although applications are closed [for TED2014], you can apply now for TED2015. In the meantime, if you're joining us for TEDxLive, be sure to check in and mention #tedxsac in your social media posts.

UPDATED 2014.03.31 - Updates in brackets.


Calling Sacramento Social Media Mavens

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Calling Sacramento Social Media Mavens


Are you a TED/TEDx fanatic? Do you have "a following"? Would you like free tickets to our next TEDx event?  Just complete our social media maven webform and include relevant links.

Why Social Media Mavens

We’re looking for social media mavens who want to attend our TEDxCity2.0 event this Friday evening who can help document it on blogs, twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Basically, we want you to work your social media magic!

TEDxCity2.0 isn’t just about holding an event; it’s about igniting your local community around what’s going on in our city.

Winners will help us build buzz in the last few days before the event and during the event itself. They will receive 2 VIP tickets (a $170 value).

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Top Five Reasons Why We Heart May is Bike Month (MiBM)

As we round the last bend on May is Bike Month, and approach our annual event in June, we give a rollicking high-five to the two-million mile challenge of MiBM. So feel free to ride on and read on, River City…

If you’ve ever imagined a world filled with sunny days, whistling, and free-wheeling cyclists everywhere you turn, you may have been humming “It’s a Beautiful Day” by the Beach Boys. The dreamy tune includes lyrics about “freeways… jammed with all kind of folks on their bikes… doin' their lefts and their rights.”

It’s exactly this visionary sentiment (and proper use of hand signals) that we here at TEDxSacramento embrace and which compel us to grab MiBM by the handlebars. Here are the top five reasons why we love the ride:

1.       Did Someone Say Bike Crawl?

We did! We did! Last Second Saturday, a gaggle of TEDx enthusiasts gathered in front of the Bicycle Kitchen and made our way around town en force, stopping at Hot Italian, Red Rabbit and Low Brau for refueling and spirited conversation.


Hoots, hollers and ringing bells helped get us to our final destination: an empty space right next to Low Brau in the MARRS building, where we set up a large screen, a projector and pushed “play” on TEDTalks that ranged in topic from ninja yo-yo’ing to tiny flying robots. People stared and that was exactly our plan.

2.       Cycling-Centered TEDTalks

As TEDx Speaker Mikael Colville-Andersen says: “The good life is one on a bike.” In this TEDxCopenhagen Talk, the Speaker likens people on two wheels to “a symphony of human powered movement across the cityscape.” One TEDTalk is worth a thousand pictures, no?

3.       The Lovely Aroma of Team Spirit

Over here, we give a standing ovation to the two-million mile challenge presented by MiBM and all those who have engaged their quads in participation. To help our region celebrate success, we formed our own TEDxSacramento MiBM team and encourage you, yes you, to jump on your fixie, tandem or Penny-farthing.  

4.       Get the Heart Pumping

Biking can incinerate as many as 900 calories an hour. Of course, for most of us, it’s more like 300 and that’s..OK. While being totally engrossed at a TEDx event may burn slightly fewer calories, we are pretty sure it can cause your ventricle to skip a beat or two and perhaps even lead to a heart-pounding love affair. It already has for about 10,000 River City dwellers. See below…

5.       Community to the Power of “x”

Like MiBM, TEDxSacramento is a rapidly growing idea that’s attracting some of the brightest minds around. No, we’re not just saying that. Local author and Sacramento Bee reporter Chris Macias says:

[My] idyllic vision of Sacramento is where 20th & K St. shuts down daily for public yoga marathons and TEDx speeches, and where a newly established farmers’ market police gives citations for not buying produce within 100 miles. Also, there will be hella basketball.

So now the ball’s in your court. Find your community on our Facebook  and get in your application now to our June 28th annual event.  Hemming and hawing about this will lead one directly to kicking oneself in the backside. (And that hurts worse than a banana seat.)

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