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TEDxLive: Livestreaming Day 1 of TED2014

Watching TEDWomen in 2013 at The Urban Hive.

Watching TEDWomen in 2013 at The Urban Hive.

TED is celebrating its 30th anniversary and TEDxSacramento is celebrating too --  with a TEDxLive event on March 18 at the TEDxSacramento headquarters, The Urban Hive.

Together we’ll embark on a journey, described this way by

“2014 marks TED’s 30th anniversary, and the theme for TED2014 is simply this: 'The Next Chapter.' We’ll be seeking to understand what are truly the most significant developments of the last 30 years ... and applying that knowledge to understand what’s ahead. The theme makes it easy for us to reach out to the world’s greatest minds and challenge them to help shape a program better than any in our history…”

This event kicks off the 2014 TEDxSacramento schedule and will be exclusively attended and celebrated by TEDxSacramento leadership, past speakers, past attendees, and core volunteers.

The next live TEDxSacramento event will happen in the Fall of this year. [To stay up-to-date on upcoming events, please join our mailing list.]

Although applications are closed [for TED2014], you can apply now for TED2015. In the meantime, if you're joining us for TEDxLive, be sure to check in and mention #tedxsac in your social media posts.

UPDATED 2014.03.31 - Updates in brackets.
